Cleanly and clearly indicating the TD/PM Circle and H, the TRANBERG® IMT CIRCLEH stands out through its robust design, use of only the most durable materials, ease of installation and minimum of maintenance requirements.

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CAP 437 Certified Solutions

Developed with close guidance from the CAA and certified to be in full accordance with the requirements of CAP 437, edition 8, TRANBERG® IMT’s CIRCLE-H TD/PM Lighting System provides the optimum solution.


  • Great visibility
  • Unique “interlock” design to withstand impact shear forces.
  • Robust design
  • Minimum maintenance requirements

Simple Installation

The TRANBERG® IMT CIRCLE-H can be installed as a stand-alone system or as a fully integrated total helideck lighting and status light safety system solution.

The optimization of the mounting arrangements for the Mark II CIRCLE-H has led to a 60% reduction in the number of holes in the deck required (for bolt-down installations) without compromising on mechanical strength, which exceeds the requirements set forth by CAP437.


Get in touch

Contact one of our representatives for aviation and helideck related projects

Daniel Elgar

Daniel Elgar

Sales Director Aviation

Phone +47 480 83 092

Eirin Lædre

Eirin Lædre

Area Sales Manager Aviation

Phone +47 905 40 971